If you haven't figured it out yet I Got back from that ride I had at Atalaya the other day and I couldn't go into our ally so I parked out front of our house. Later on after they were done in the ally I decided to go ahead and park in the garage. I pulled around back and went to back in when I heard a HORRENDOUS sound. I knew right away of course what I had done. I could barely get out of the car to look.
So there ya go I broke my frame by backing into the garage. What a BOOB!
I all ready got a new RIG frame from Gary Fisher. They sold me a new frame for 300 bucks. I thou ght that was pretty decent of them.
I got a new rear tire for the IF it is a old skool WTB Moto Raptor 2.4. I rode it yesterday and it felt grippy as all get out compared to my bald Conti Vert Pro. I also got a new bell for the IF because when you ride the Dale Ball trails there are usually a lot of people on the trail and it is narrow in a lot of places.
the Temple of Tone
Here is the new GF RIG frame
What is in your audio player today? I have Sonic Youth-Daydream Nation in my player today.
Autumn and I watched a good movie the other night it was called Henry Darger: In the Realms of the Unreal
I also rented Bukowski at Bellevue It was him doing a reading at a college in Washington. It was very good if you like Bukowski. It was cool to see and hear him read his writings.
All right everybody have a great day. Me and Anthony finally did the Glorieta ride properly yesterday it was KILLER. Anthony took some really good shots too. I will post em up soon.
Jeezus you did some damage! I know that had to hurt.
Glad you got a good deal on the new frame. Since it's unbuilt I think I hear "custom paint job" in you future...
i'm so sorry to hear about that. fisher is always good with that stuff.
enjoy the ride.
i'm waiting for my new ss frame.
rosalia de souza is spinning on the ipod.
Man, that sucks. Does sound like Fisher gave you a pretty fair deal, though.
If you can get past the heartbreak, it's interesting to see that the frame broke at the tube just before the weld, and not at the weld itself...strong build!
Good to know you got it all worked out. Enjoy breaking IN the new frame.
That hurts. I did the same (without the disastrous results) on day 1 of owning a Yakima rack. Never again after 14 years.
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