Decided I needed to go back and do the Pacheco Canyon Borrego Rancho Viejo Rio en Medio loop because it is REALLY fun. Anthony was saying he wanted to get back in the more remote areas so this was a perfect choice. So I met Anthony at Tesuque Village Market and proceeded to go up to 102. Had a great ride accept that we ended up descending down Nambe trail instead of turning onto Rio en Medio like we should of. The trail became unridable after a while but was beautiful. I would like to get back on it one day soon. Photos by Anthony
Contemplating my future

The Pause that Refreshes


There is a good bit of climbing on this ride

I think this was the Kona's last ride before Anthony cannibalized it to create his new Santa Cruz Superlight squishy SS.

The trail gets hard to see on this part of the ride
Pretty Meadow though

Stream Crossings are fun

There is Tim hiking as usual

I think this was also the last ride for Anthony's old camera. He got a nice new one with image stabilization and 7.1 MB . WOW that is big files.
What is in your audio player? I have Burning Spear- Chant Down Babylon: The Island Anthology in mine. Good ol Roots.
If you are ever in Ocean City, MD. Make sure you go to Piezanos for a slice and a Yuengling after you paddle out.
My mom and pop went there a bit ago and took a pic cause they know how much I miss it.

Evertime I head out east I try to pick up some Yuengling beer. I like their lager as much as I like Lienekeugels.
Man that looks like a great trail! I am planning a trip out to Oregon next spring, I may have to stop over in AZ for some MTB'ing.
Matt- My pops used to work at the original Lienekeugels brewery back in the day, good stuff indeed.
Make that a stop in New Mexico, though I'm sure Arizona has some good biking as well. My bad.
I'm going to be hitting up some of the N M trails next year and i'm stoked.
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