Saturday, September 02, 2006

Atalaya Freedom

    Summer is winding down
   You can feel the autumnal equinox coming. We moved here 1 year ago this week. I must say I remember loving Fall here last year. I think we are going to go to the burning of Zozobra this week. I need to release some gloom myself. I released most of it though up on Atalaya with Jay last week.Here is the GPS tracks on it. Here are a few pics from it.
This is when the climbing is just beginning. Occasionally you come around a corner and spy your prize.

Looking back towards St. Johns from whence we came

Jay coming up to a fork in the road. You can assume what route we took.

The section of trail after the fork is a really nice ridge with SSweet views.

I love scenic vistas

When the going gets tough . The tough get walking. I think that is how it goes.


Jay went off to be by himself. You can see him if you look hard.

There are all kinds of colorful blooms happening right now cause of all the rain I assume

This is a rock view looking out by the trail that should descend down to the Arroyo Chamisos

Descending down the back side to Dale Ball South.

I wanted to go back here after the 2 page Shot in BIKE Magazine this month.

The picture doesn't do this section justice. It is a really nice open little meadow

Jay coming up and out of the Dorothy Stewart

And after the ride of course we had some tasty Brews at Jays digs.

    I figured out what I could do with all my old rubber, and seek enlightenment at the same time.

    What is in your audio player? I am listening to Jerry Radio. It has some really good quality sounding shows on it. I am listening to a Old and in the Way show from 73.
    Lets remember it isn't the bike you ride it is the way you ride the mountain.
    I watched a great movie for the 2nd time tonight called Singlefin: Yellow. It has been on fuel a few times.


Matt said...

Atalaya on a SS! I like to hook up that section of Dale Ball too when descending down from Atalaya. It's not like I'm gonna climb that part of DB!

See ya next weekend.

gwadzilla said...

as they say...

"it doesn't get any better than this"

gwadzilla said...

I did not notice that is all tires
I though it was tires over a buddha statue
but it is just tires

great shots

sweet trails
sweet leaf

sweet shots too